The magic of sea swimming!
Swimming in the sea is so beneficial for us menopausal ladies! But when I learnt that there is even more to sea swimming than improved...
The magic of sea swimming!
"I'm thankful for those long, sleepless nights today." Here's why...
Grizzly Bears and Teapots!
Menopause - Why is Sleep So Critical?
Fearful of Change?
Remote working – how to get more of what you like and less of what you don’t
Stress: When life feels like an uphill struggle...
Fear of driving or flying… don’t let it stop you living life to the full.
Fear of Conflict... SPEAK OUT! It will only lead to frustration if you don’t overcome it.
Public speaking and giving presentations.... I’D RATHER DIE!
Managing Anxiety
Feeling stressed out? Here's 5 practical tips to help...